Nico Williams is waiting for Barcelona as he wishes to stay in La Liga

Nico Williams is waiting for Barcelona as he wishes to stay in La Liga

Nico Williams is waiting for Barcelona for now.

Nico Williams was one of the great objectives for the next sports project. Barça is very clear that the team could take a competitive leap if it manages to sign a differential winger who can play on the left wing and the young man from Athletic was one of the chosen ones. Due to age, experience in the League and in international football and because the price was fixed through a termination clause of just over 50 million euros. Nico Williams would open the doors to signing and it is likely that if the operation cannot happen, he will continue at Athletic for another year, rejecting other proposals in England and France.

Nico Williams’ idea is to expedite his options with Barça, although he understands that the financial situation of the Blaugrana club does not invite hope. He is working very hard to reach the famous one-on-one rule, but an operation like his would mean that Barça would need a large sale to be able to undertake it. It is not only the price of the transfer but Nico has a significant salary at Athletic after his last renewal and it would not be easy to fit it.

For now, Barça has not taken a step forward either with Nico’s entourage or with Athletic. The footballer knows that there is interest but there has been no formal proposal and it is likely that there will not be one during the summer although the player will wait for developments. For now he is focused on the Euro Cup and his future will be decided starting in July. The Blaugrana club knows that it would be willing to make the leap to the Camp Nou but it has not gone any further.

There would be little to talk about with Athletic, since the Basque team does not negotiate. If Nico Williams leaves it will be through full payment of the termination clause. Of course, the Basques would prefer that the case break out as soon as possible because they must make different plans for the next year. For now, there is calm with the player.

Nico Williams has had approaches from clubs such as Aston Villa and even PSG considered signing him last year but the player decided to remain at Athletic. Now there are several Premier clubs that have asked and if he has a good Euro Cup he could receive astronomical offers, but Nico would like to continue in Spain and it seems that Barça is his only opportunity after Mbappé’s signing for Madrid.